Greetings to all,
I am happy to confirm in new issue of Le Mercien that our revised and updated website in mow on line as of June 19, 2018, and at the same address: https://www.famillesmercier.org.
An official presentation of the website will be made at our upcoming annual gathering on August 19th. Our main goal is to reach a wider clientele. We are hoping that our site will be of interest to Merciers around the world. We still want to “teach as well as inform” people about the history of the Merciers.
There is still time for you to register to join us at our annual gathering in Isle-aux- Coudres, for which you will find the details in the Spring 2018 issue of Le Mercien. I also invite Merciers from everywhere to send articles and pictures for publication in a future issue of Le Mercien.
Please do not hesitate to send to the Association, Mercier names to be added to our genealogical data bank. You will find the necessary forms on our website. The board is expecting to see you in large numbers this coming August. We will be very pleased to welcome you all there.
Jacques Mercier, no. 341, President